Eloise, Woody, Susie, Greg, Heo, Diane
Barbie, Martha and John.
We are all ready to celebrate Valentine's Day Ball tonight!!!
My formal night's choice is always lobster tail!
Petit fours with heart shape chocolates!
One of on-board doctor Gisela(German born Canadian) and her hubby Chas(Swiss born Canadian) also celebrating Valentine's Day with us.
Mark the security officer has taken the honour today.
We are celebrating his birthday as his actual birthday is tomorrow.
They are so lovely and down to earth!
Chas is boasting his Tuxedo's long tail.
Look very nice with red tie!
This is my big heart!
Lovely Esther from Maine would like to find her half?
Asst. cruise director Joy is lovely.
Many people has mistaken her as Holywood actress.
She became one of my best mate on the cruise.
Ernest is originally from Switzerland and Rick is originally from the Philipines.
Very nice people.
Everybody danced on the floor include Greg and Heo.
After the ball, we all went to the Crow's Nest Bar to dance until 1:30am.
So many people made comments that this is one of the best ball they have ever had.
Good on you ms Amsterdam!!!
Henk the manager, Olav the captain, Bruce the cruise director and all the other crews and staff!!!
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